Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I'm just starting out!

I'm at my real job right now and all I can think about are puppets. Yes...puppets! I've made a few and have been having a blast at it, and I'm thinking of selling them. I had several people suggest that I start a blog to get started. Maybe someone will come across this and also be interested in what I'm doing. I've never blogged before let alone read a blog, so here I am...blogging. Weird. But once I figure out how to insert pictures of the puppets I've made I will share them.
I'm very excited about this. It very well could be a dream come true. Who knows...I could be the next Jim Henson? Tee-hee!
Anyway, I'm going to officially post this now and see what it looks like. I'm being very silly right now (maybe borderline dorky) but who cares...maybe that's why I chose Silly Toes Productions for my title.


Robin said...

Love love love it. I sent you an email about tweaking a few things. Can't wait share this with my bloggy friends. =)

Theresa said...

Thanks! I feel as though I am moving up in the world.

Robin said...

Now THAT"S what I'm talking about. It rocks little sis.

Don't forget to decide on prices so I can tell everyone!

Also, my real blog, that I actually keep up with, is www.robin.thestorches.com